
Shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy
Shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy

shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy

The third stage, the Southern Theater, concluded with Andrew Jackson’s January 1815 victory outside New Orleans, Louisiana.įigure 2. In this period, the Americans won their first successes. During the second stage, from early 1813 to 1814, the United States launched their second offensive against Canada and the Great Lakes. During this time, Great Britain was chiefly occupied in Europe against Napoleon, and the United States invaded Canada and sent their fledgling navy against British ships.

shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy

The first, the Atlantic Theater, lasted until the spring of 1813. The war can be organized into three stages or theaters. While the War of 1812 contained two key players-the United States and Great Britain-it also drew in other groups, such as Tecumseh and his Confederacy. In a narrow vote, Congress authorized the president to declare war against Britain in June 1812. Opposition to the war came from Federalists, especially those in the Northeast, who knew war would disrupt the maritime trade on which they depended. Among them were the “War Hawks,” whom one historian describes as “too young to remember the horrors of the American Revolution” and thus “willing to risk another British war to vindicate the nation’s rights and independence.” This group included men who would remain influential long after the War of 1812, such as Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. In 1812, the Democratic-Republicans held 75 percent of the seats in the House and 82 percent of the Senate, giving them a free hand to set national policy.

shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy

The painting shows the result of the British burning of Washington, DC. George Munger painted The President’s House shortly after the War of 1812, ca.

Shortly after the war of 1812 the american navy